Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Crusader Kings II - Pagan Wars

Here's a screencap of the Beginning of the War to End All Wars, just before it all got completely out of hand, as follows:

Ruthenia attacked Perm so I attacked Ruthenia so Rus defended Ruthenia so Samoyedia defended me so Bjarmia attacked Rus so Denmark defended Rus so Sweden defended Ruthenia  but the disenfranchised Polish revolted against Ruthenia and Sweden was attacking Norway so I attacked Sweden so Norway attacked me, then the HRE attacked Denmark so England defended Denmark, then Cumania finished its civil war and jumped in to defend Perm so Seljuk launched a full-blown invasion of Cumania so I assassinated the Khan's third son's wife and married my sweet sixteen daughter to the distraught widower then defended Cumania.

Catch all that? Also, the rest of the world did stuff and at some point the King of England was elected Holy Roman Emperor. Crap.

When all of this was said and done, King Njuolla the Noble of Finland, who had been at war his entire life, declared a war of conquest against Sweden and promptly died in the saddle after the first action, away from his homeland, of an old infected war wound that had been plaguing him for over ten years.

75 years old, riding as the commander of his army almost non-stop since he was 16, and regularly draining a nasty infected gash on a daily basis (it had already gotten him ill once for about a year at the beginning of The War). Way to hang with 'em, old timer. Here's the map of where the lines finally stood when all was said and done. Somewhere in all of that, I forgot the part where Rus conquered Bjarmia with a Holy War towards the end of it all (I never liked Duchess Emmi the Fat anyway, so screw Bjarmia) and where Bulgar, long since gobbled up by Perm and Cumania, won independence from Cumania only to be gobbled up by Perm. You win some, you lose some.

Note the hideous gray pallor of Holy Roman England to the very left of the map. Uuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhh.

Update: Totally forgot about it, but right in the middle of all of this the Duke of Karelia revolted with roughly a quarter to a third of my realm. Needless to say, I banished the crap out of him after. Here's a screen cap of what my vassals thought of that, in addition to one of how they felt about me utilizing their levies for all of this:

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